Sour Ale

Brewer: Marian Verbenik     

Competitions:  London Amateur Brewers - LAB Open 2019

Place: 1st – Sour and Funky Beers; Best of Show


Batch Size: 5 gallons

Mash: 45 minutes at 155 ºF

9 lb Simpsons Low Colour Maris Otter

2 lb Simpsons Malted Rye

0.5 lb Simpsons Golden Naked Oats


Boil: 60 minutes

0.50 oz CTZ - 60 Minutes

1.10 oz Citra BBC hop – whirlpool at 185 ºF

1.10 oz Amarillo - whirlpool at 185 ºF

1.10 oz Centennial BBC hop - whirlpool at 185 ºF


The Yeast Bay Saison Brettanomyces Blend

The Wild Beer Co. Belgian and Brett bottle dregs



Pitched Yeast Bay culture at 68 ºF and left at room temp of 70 ºF, let it freely rise up to 76 ºF at peak fermentation; 3 weeks in primary

Pitched The Wild Beer Co. Bottle dregs at bottling; 8 weeks bottle conditioning


OG: 1.058    IBU: 26

FG: 1.004