Franconian Dark Lager is a single strain of Saccharomyces pastorianus that hails from the Franconia region of Germany. This yeast exhibits a short lag time and has flavor profile characteristics that complement dark, roasted malts. While the dark malt complementarity makes this yeast a perfect fit for any big malt driven dark lagers, it's also able to produce crisp light lagers.

Temperature: 48-54 °F (8-12 °C)   || Attenuation: 74-78 % 

Flocculation: Medium-Low || Alcohol Tolerance: Medium-High


Hessian Pils is a single strain of Saccharomyces pastorianus that hails from the Hess region of Germany. It exhibits everything you want in a great Pilsner yeast: it's a clean fermenter with low ester formation, exhibits a short lag time, ferments wort quickly and attenuates well even at the low end of the temperature range. These characteristics allow the malt and hop profile to really shine, and creates a crisp finished beer.

We recommend a brief diacetyl rest at ~ 60-65 ºF (2-3 days) at the end of primary fermentation. An extended lagering phase at 33-35 ºF will encourage the yeast to settle and create a clean profile.

Temperature: 45-54 °F (7-12 °C) || Attenuation: 73-76 % 

Flocculation: Medium-Low || Alcohol Tolerance: Medium